Analysis and Design

Our customers understand their businesses, but when it comes to translating a visionary idea into a practical design that can  be smoothly turned into an efficient and functional custom software application, many of our customers need assistance. That is the responsibility of our Analyst/Designers.

Asking the Right Questions

Our Analyst/Designers are highly skilled at teasing out the details of requirements that others cannot reach. Experience leads our analysts to ask the right questions and help a customer’s staff uncover issues that had not occurred to them. The devil is in the detail and that is certainly the case with analysis and design.

Recommending a Technology

Design GraphicAfter considering a customer’s specific functional and non-functional software requirements, we will recommend the most appropriate technology, if not already specified by the customer. Our recommendation is purely on the basis of ‘best for the job’.

Design and Collaboration Toolsets

Working with structured design and collaboration tools, our Analyst/Designers will formulate a design for discussion with our customer and one of our Strategic Development Partners. When approved, we manage the interface with our development partner using online virtual meeting and collaboration tools. This is completely transparent to our customer.
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Testing Input

Our Analyst/Designers are the key link between the customer need and the development of the software. Accordingly, they design and lead the functional testing effort, supporting the customer during User Acceptance Testing.

In Summary

Our highly experienced Analyst/Designers capture the germ of the customer requirement and work with customer staff to flesh it out into a practical and efficient design. We then manage the conversion of that design into a practical, performant, fully-tested and effective business application.

Our Analysis and Design Team is fully involved throughout the development project, from inception to final User Acceptance Testing.